I think that I may need your administrative services for nonprofits, but I still need a better understanding of the service. Can you explain it further?

Yes. In summary, our deliverable is simplification and automation of administrative systems. Maybe an outline will help, as our service can be described in five steps: (1) analysis and identification, (2) reporting and directives, (3) directives implementation, (4) documentation, and (5) transition and on-call support.

First, for analysis and identification, this is where we work the administrator’s job and fulfill all regular responsibilities of that job. Simultaneously, while we are doing the administrative tasks, we analyze all existing systems and processes used to do the job and identify areas that may be simplified and automated.

Second, we report our findings and proposed solutions to the client. Then, together, we discuss whether or not the new systems and processes are desired and, upon approval, set directives for their implementation.

Third, we implement the agreed upon directives (i.e., the new systems and processes).

Fourth, we document the administrative tasks so that there is a central knowledge base for the office.

Fifth, we transition the job to the client’s employee, and we are available for on-call support for questions, help or backup.

NOTE: If the directives from the client are to keep all systems and processes untouched (so that the job remains the same that it was before we were hired) and if desired by the client, we will still document all existing tasks and train the client’s employee to do the job.

Do you still have questions? Please contact us, and we will gladly discuss the service with you personally.